20 days until Legacy comes out, so here is a KOTLC challenge of 20 days for y'all to do with me, if you want!
Day 1: Favorite KOTLC book?—My favorite KOTLC book would probably have to be Lodestar.
Day 2: Favorite KOTLC ship?—My favorite KOTLC ship is definitely.....SOPHITZ!!!!
Day 3: Least favorite ship?—My least favorite ship is Finh. (Fitz and Linh) *gags*
Day 4: Favorite characters (no more than 5)?—My favorite KOTLC characters are Sophie, Fitz, Keefe, Ro, and Sandor.
Day 5: Least favorite characters?—My least favorite characters are Linh, Vespera, Alina, Emery, and Lord Cassius
Day 6: Funniest part of the series?—Funniest moment was the Mr. Snuggles scene in Neverseen.
Day 7: Saddest part of the series?—Saddest moment was when Keefe joins the Neverseen.
Day 8: Which Iggy color do you like best?—Orange, of course
Day 9: Which villain do you dislike the most?—Lady Gisela
Day 10: If you could add ONE character, who would they be (descriptions)?—Gwyn Alterres: red hair, steel-blue eyes, Psionipath, I would make her as a second love interest for Keefe in case Sophie ends up with Fitz, because as much as I am for Sophitz, I'd still be heartbroken if Keefe didn't end up with some one.
Day 11: If you could save one person in the series, who would it be?—I would save Kenric
Day 12: What color do you want Iggy to be next?—I would want Iggy to be bronze
Day 13: If someone came up to you and told you that you were an elf, what would you do?—I would tell them that they are insane
Day 14: If you were an elf, would you like fancy clothes or prefer the casual things like Sophie?—I think a bit of both, honestly. Tunics and leggings sound insanely comfortable, but who'd pass up a beautiful dress every once in a while??
Day 15: Favorite KOTLC quote?—It's either, "I want it to be you" (Fitz) or, "Whoa, back the T. rex up!" (Keefe)
Day 16: If you got the chance to join the Black Swan, would you?—Yes, because changing the world is important.
Day 17: If you were an elf, what would your special ability be?—I took a test and I got Telepath.
Day 18: If you went on an adventure, what 3 characters would you bring with you and why?—I'd bring Sophie because of her abilities, Keefe because he's good at helping people not worry, and Dex because he could build things to help.
Day 19: Out of all the KOTLC characters, who do you relate to the most and why?—I relate to Sophie I think because I try and do what's best for the people I care about, but I also relate to Keefe in a sense that I hide things going wrong.
Day 20: If you had to pick, would you live with Alden and Della or Grady and Edaline? Why?—I'd want to live with Grady and Adeline because they seem so incredible, and as awesome as it would be to be a Vacker, it also means I couldn't date Fitz so...
least fav ship is probs either Dex and Bianna or Fitzphie "double gags"
My favorite ship is Sokeefe/Foster-Keefe
My favorite book is probably either nightfall or Lodestar
probs the ones I haven't read...yet (I enjoy watching you guys talking, laughing, and overall enjoying the series) And that is what I enjoy most about KOTLC. Love you A!